
Training for a marathon is all about momentum. When things are going well, it’s easy to follow the training plan, lace up your Brooks and hit the pavement. Conversely, when things start falling apart, it’s easy to trade in your Brooks for a bowl of popcorn and a Property Brothers marathon. And you rationalize it by telling yourself it doesn’t matter, that you don’t really care that much. Which of course is a big fat lie.

Things started unraveling around week 8, when I was having shin and ankle problems and took five days off from running to let my achy body heal. I lost my momentum, and I tried to regain it in the following weeks, but in week 11 I took another five days off from running because I was sick.

From weeks 8-11, my running was so off. I still stuck with my training plan and got most of my key runs in, but my heart wasn’t in it. I didn’t feel like running, and I resented my training plan and my weird desire to run marathons. All I could think about was how I couldn’t wait until Eugene was over. Running was miserable and I hated it.

When I started week 12 of training after getting sick, my goals were to get my runs in, to have fun, and to not take this thing so seriously. I have a tendency to take marathon training way too seriously, which inevitably leads to burnout. My first few runs were a little rocky, but I stuck with it and ended up having a pretty good week.

Week 13 built off this momentum and culminated in the Dizzy Daze, a silly race that lets you run as many laps around Greenlake as you can/want in 12 hours.

Dizzy Daze

My goal was to run seven laps, and I ran seven laps (22.35 miles). It was my longest training run ever, and it was one of my favorite runs this training cycle/ever. I was worried that I would get bored running laps around Greenlake, but I found it to be enjoyable and not mentally taxing. I especially enjoyed the aid station that was stocked with delicious food, including warm-off-the-griddle chocolate chip pancakes, rice krispy treats, soda, potato chips, and much more. I think I ate a little too much food and ended up getting a stomach ache around mile 18.

Being surrounded with other runners who are way crazier than I am (two people ran 23 laps – 73 miles! and many others ran 10+ laps) was exactly what I needed. The race directors did an excellent job organizing this run, and it’s one I plan to run every year that I’m training for a spring marathon.

I followed up the Dizzy Daze by trying out cupcake flavors for our wedding. My friend Alison is an amazing baker and recently started her own cupcake business, Bites. It was tough to decide because they were all so good, but we decided on peanut butter and chocolate. Yum!

So many cupcakes. So little time.

So many cupcakes. So little time.

Now in week 14 and less than two weeks away from taper, I finally have my momentum back. Not only are my runs going great, but I actually am excited to be training and can’t wait for Eugene. I’m counting down the days not because I want it to be over, but because I am so excited to run this race.

Details for weeks 12 and 13:

Week 12:
Monday: 1 hour yoga
Tuesday: 5.5 miles (49:50). 2 laps around Greenlake and my first run back after five days off. My legs were confused, and I was pretty sore after this run.
Wednesday: 9 miles (1:35:32)
Thursday: Easy 4 (43:47)
Friday : 1 hour yoga
Saturday: 10 miles (2 hours). Dad and I tried out new-to-us running trails in the Redmond Watershed Preserve. It was a train wreck. We got lost; it was cold and rained; and our legs were tired. We were supposed to run 20 miles, but we waved the white flag after 10 because we both weren’t feeling it. But on the bright side, I now know my way around these trails!
Sunday: 15 miles (2:22:41)

43.35 miles + 3.5 hours yoga

Week 13:
Monday: 1 hour yoga
Tuesday: 7 miles treadmill – Fartlek/grab bag run
Wednesday: 2.8 miles –  very slow around Discovery Park (31:37)
Thursday: 10 miles on treadmill  – 2 mile warm up + 4 miles at MP, 1.5 at 8:20 pace, rest, little over 1 at 8:08 pace, .9 mile cool down at marathon pace or faster. Stomach felt terrible and ankle hurt at slower speeds. Legs felt good though!
Friday : 1 hour yoga
Saturday: 22.35 miles (3:40:55)
Sunday: 5.6 miles around Discovery Park (1:02:26) + 1 hour restorative yoga

47.75 miles + 3 hours yoga

Dizzy Daze and Training Updates

Tomorrow is the Dizzy Daze. And despite how absurd and ridiculous the race is (running endless laps around Greenlake for up to 12 hours), I’m actually pretty excited! To add to my excitement, I received an email from the race director with race instructions/reminders and details about the one thing I care about: the food schedule.

    • 7:30-10:30 Pancakes
    • 11:00-until the stove goes cold: Grilled Cheese sandwiches, Soup: Chicken vegetable noodle or Roasted Tomato
    • Noonish: Pizza (round 1)
    • 6:00-ish: Pizza (round 2)
    • 8:00: Pints at Saint Andrew’s Pub for anyone left standing

Pancakes + grilled cheese + pizza? That’s a happy Megan right there. My goal is to run seven laps (a little over 22 miles), which should take me until about noon when the pizza arrives. Perfect timing. After my run, John and I are taste-testing cupcakes for our wedding. It is going to be a GOOD day.

For the first time in weeks, I’m genuinely excited about running. Last week was a little rocky as I was coming off five days of not running because I was sick. But I got five runs in and a total of 43 miles (more details are coming, I promise!), and I got my much-needed mojo back.

So far this week has been even better. Running is good. Life is good. And I’m kinda obsessed with my compression socks (I wear them every day and keep buying new colors) and the color pink.


Happy Friday!