Recovery and Race Photos

It’s been a rough week of recovery. My quads are trashed from the downhill sections, and I am just now starting to walk normally. I went to yoga this morning, and it felt glorious to move my body and work my muscles after three days of no exercise. I plan to go to yoga again tomorrow morning and go on my first run on Saturday. Saturday is my 27th birthday, so it only feels right to start the day with an easy run!

I’m really proud of my run and want to celebrate my PR, but I can’t help but look to the future. Last night I started working on a 12-week training program to run Skagit Flats in September. I haven’t registered for the marathon yet, but as of now, training will start June 18. And I can’t wait. I became a much stronger runner in this training cycle, and I want to build off this momentum to become stronger, faster and ready to break 4 hours in September.

Sorry, John. Looks like my barely missed sub 4 is going to put a damper on our marathon-free summer.

Our marathon pictures were released yesterday. Dad and I bought race pictures at the last two marathons, but thanks to Vancouver only having photographers at the end of the course, I think I’ll save my money on this one. I look absolutely horrible, but they DO capture exactly how I was feeling. For that, I appreciate them and will share them with you. Enjoy!

This is what pain looks like…

Still in pain…

Check out the background. The run was gorgeous, but I had my head down and was in total tunnel vision.

Talk about a fake smile!

I guess this one isn’t sooo bad.

One thing I didn’t mention in my race recap is that Vancouver did an awesome job organizing this race. From a logistics perspective, this race was flawless! The corral start was great, and I loved that there was a water station at every mile. This was my first large race where getting water was easy and I didn’t feel like people were about to run me over.  After last year when they ran out of of GU and water cups at two stations, Vancouver totally redeemed itself and executed a perfect race.

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